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We are interested in delay-constrained data aggregation in delay tolerant vehicular networks, in which contact opportunities are usually scarce and thus become critical resources. Data aggregation has been recognized as an effective technique for reducing communication cost while obtaining useful aggregated information.…

In this paper, we propose a Message Suppression Controller (MSC) for Vehicular Delay TolerantNetworking (VDTN) under highly stressed environment. The simulations for two scenarios are conducted considering obstacles (buildings), where MSC with Road side units (MSCRs) are present or not present. We consider…

The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect billions of devices to the Internet and create a large-scale dynamic and open environment with high heterogeneity. To assure rapid adoption of IoT applications, application developers and users need to be abstracted from IoT infrastructure via scalable…

There are various unstable situations in IoT environments due to the characteristics of wireless local connections, the faults in IoT devices, and the IoT devices crowd at a unit space. To construct a more stable IoT environment for IoT services, the IoT Routers for the IoT service overlay networks should be constructed solidly first.…