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Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) and more specifically their vehicular variant (VANET) have to deal with fast changing channel conditions, specifically in urban areas. Routing protocols that have to build end to end paths over such volatile links typically react to link failure. In this paper…

In this paper, we present a modified position-based routing scheme called Intersection Dispatch-based VANET Routing(IDVR) protocol focusing on the needs of in-time information delivery and emergency message dissemination in urban scenarios. There are two primary contributions to enhancing VANET performance…

We investigate the performance gains of a transmission scheme in LTE-A networks where vehicles act as relaying cooperating terminals. The advantages of vehicular relaying networks are the abundant energy and computing power, the predictable mobility patterns of vehicles, and the availability of information from positioning systems…

Efficient authentication in the vehicular networks has been studied by several researchers in the past. However, there are still several issues to be addressed like high communication/ computation overhead, security problems, etc. In this paper, we propose an Efficient Authentication Protocol (EAP) for…

Of late, Vehicular Networks (VANETs) applications is capturing major importance in the research field. Efficient dissemination becomes demanding when information explosion overloads the network. Development of an efficient event disseminating framework is necessary to support such highly dynamic, self-organizing networks. Event broker middleware provides seamless…