Video Streaming Projects

Video streaming is the method of transferring video content which is compressed and send by intent to satisfy user expectation. We offer video streaming projects for final year which basically depend on compression technique, security, and content leakage and enhance video quality. Our main objective of video streaming projects for students to overcome network topology & physical distance in video content delivery we developed more than 80+ video streaming projects to reduce set up time client storage requirement of video streaming application based on efficient technology. We write video streaming code in language such as PHP, android and java.


Video streaming architecture:

We provide video streaming architecture from ACM papers as:

Content creation/capture: We implement the first phase of video streaming application. In this layer we get original input video file from any resources and convert analog into digital.

Content management: Main aspect of content management is creation, collection, organizing, storing & built new catalog for multimedia information database.

Content formatting: In this layer, we analyze the type of video contents and format such as active movie, quick time, cinepax, AVI, real video, Indio and XGA.


In this layer, we convert original video content into compressed data with help of compression techniques. By this technique, we can split original video file into multiple image compressed file which reduce the size of video file and easily traveled from source to destination by low bandwidth network.

View video files:

Receiver view files in reverse order. Receiver use decompression technique to decompress video content, which ensure better quality video without content loss.

Video streaming protocol over internet:

We implemented some video streaming protocol for M.Tech video streaming projects are:


Internet Protocol Projects

Internet protocol projects:

We adopt internet application with packet switching technology to connect networks. We use IP over network provide baseline delivery applications to all hosts in network protocols used in end to end delivery are: TCP which provide acknowledgement service data delivery and UDP provide interface service among user and IP.

Media delivery protocol& control protocol:

We adopt real time transport (RTT) protocol for video content transmission in video application ensure function as sequence number, time stamp and payload specification real time control protocol to control video content message and provide delay.

Media control:

We implement real time streaming protocol in the basis of session & support VCR function like seek, record, pause and play. We deploy session initiation protocol to support user mobility and functions.

Future scope in video streaming applications:

Different types of algorithm are developed to chance advance technology in video streaming application in gaming with high bandwidth wireless network technologies.