Robotic sensor network: – Research Thesis in Ns3
- Robotic sensor networks are distributed systems in which mobile robots carry sensors around an environment to detect phenomena and produce detailed environmental assessments.
- robotic sensor networks can dynamically concentrate the sensing robots around a place of interest
- A robotic sensor network does not require any fixed infrastructure and thus its use is appropriate when a single campaign of EMF measurements is required
Applications of robotic sensor network:
- Monitoring application
- Efficient searching
- Rescue application
- Security
- Tsunami identification
Underwater distillation

Cooperative network: [Research Thesis in NS3]
The main scope of this cooperative network is to increase the quality of wireless links in network by performing productive cooperation.
Research areas of cooperative communication:
- Performing multihop communication in network
- Designing power allocation scheme to maximizing the channel capacity
- Effective resource utilization
- Analysis of joint power and channel resource allocation problem for orthogonal multiple access relay system to maximize the achievable rate region
- Security
Bottleneck resource management

Ns3 Video Tutorial
Ns3 Video Tutorial – Latest NS3 Projects Output
Ns3 Tutorial
Ns3 Tutorial – Guide to Various Network Projects
Journal Support
Paper Publication for NS3 Simulation Projects