In this paper, we investigate effects of communication delays on the nonlinear dynamics of connected vehicle systems. Our modeling framework incorporates communication delays, which arise from the intermittency and packet drops in wireless vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Plant stability and string stability are used to characterize the…

The communication between two legitimate peers in the presence of an external eavesdropper is studied from a physical-layer security perspective in the context of free-space optical (FSO)communications. We discuss viable mechanisms to eavesdrop the communication and study the effect of random optical irradiance fluctuations…

Photonic quasi-crystals are ordered but not periodic structures that lack translational symmetry but include rotational symmetry. The present work apply index gradient concept to the familiar inhomogeneous index forms, Maxwell fish eye, Luneburg lens, and Eaton lens for aiming enhanced…

In this paper, we present a modified position-based routing scheme called Intersection Dispatch-based VANET Routing(IDVR) protocol focusing on the needs of in-time information delivery and emergency message dissemination in urban scenarios. There are two primary contributions to enhancing VANET performance…

We are interested in delay-constrained data aggregation in delay tolerant vehicular networks, in which contact opportunities are usually scarce and thus become critical resources. Data aggregation has been recognized as an effective technique for reducing communication cost while obtaining useful aggregated information.…