This paper describes the design of a compact antenna system to enable communication and RF energy harvesting at the same time. The system may be adopted for next generation passive RFID tags: it combines, in a low-profile architecture on a paper substrate,…

We present a free space optical communication system that uses electrostatically modulated microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures coupled with a glass total internal reflection-type corner cube retroreflector (CCR) as a nonemitting data transmitter. MEMS structures consists of an array of light scattering membranes…

In this paper, we propose a new retinal verification method based on point set matching. First, image processing techniques are applied to segment the retinal image’s optic disc. The blood vessel map is generated inside the segmented optic disc region.…

The method of incorporating information from multiple images into a single image to get enhanced imaging quality and reduce randomness and redundancy in medical images for diagnosis and assessment of medical problems. In this paper, we present a new technique…

This chapter explores ways to use fast symmetric cryptography to protect vehicular communications, but without direct involvement of RSUs. It focuses on the timed efficient stream loss-tolerant authentication (TESLA) authentication protocol, which is commonly used in securing broadcast and multicast…

To enable accurate exchange of information or data, the quality and intelligibility of speech play an important factor. However, pragmatically the quality of speech is distorted by the presence of background noise. This in turn leads to poor performance of…

This chapter addresses aspects of roadside unit (RSU)-assisted message authentication, in which resource-rich RSUs assist nearby vehicles to authenticate the messages they received. It proposes an RSU aided message authentication scheme, termed RAISE. In RAISE, each vehicle first anonymously authenticates…

Of late, Vehicular Networks (VANETs) applications is capturing major importance in the research field. Efficient dissemination becomes demanding when information explosion overloads the network. Development of an efficient event disseminating framework is necessary to support such highly dynamic, self-organizing networks. Event broker middleware provides seamless…