In this study, we investigate a relay-assisted visible light communication (VLC) system where an intermediate light source cooperates with the main light source. Specifically, we consider two light sources in an office space; one is the information source employed on the ceiling and the other one is a task light. Our system uses DC biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) where the task light performs relaying to assist the communication and operates in half-duplex mode for both amplify-and-forward and decodeand- forward relaying.
We investigate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the relay-assisted VLC system and optimize the performance through optimal AC/DC power allocation under illumination constraints. The DC power allocation is determined by sharing the number of LED chips between the terminals to satisfy a desired luminance ratio. The AC power allocation decides the fraction of the information signal power to be consumed at the terminals in order to minimize the BER. Numerical results reveal that cooperation brings significant performance gains over direct transmission. We further provide comparisons of two relaying techniques under consideration and discuss the effect of clipping noise on the error rate performance.