Network attack can be defined as any method, process, or means used to maliciously attempt to compromise network security.
The individuals performing network attacks are commonly referred to as network attackers, hackers, or crackers.
Characteristics of attack:
- Stealing data.
- Stealing software.
- Using data for financial gain or for industrial espionage.
- Stealing hardware.
- Modifying stored data.
- Running code to damage systems.
- Illegally using user accounts and privileges.
- Running code to damage and corrupt data.
Types of networking attack:
Majorly it can be divided into two broad categories.
- Active attack
- Replay attack
- Modification of message contents
- Dos
- Masquerade etc
- Passive attack
- Traffic analysis.
- Release of message contents.
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NodeContainer c;
JammerHelper jammerHelper;
jammerHelper.SetJammerType (“ns3::ReactiveJammer”);
jammerHelper.Set (“ReactiveJammerRxTimeout”, TimeValue (Seconds (2.0)));
jammerHelper.Set (“ReactiveJammerReactionStrategy”,
jammerHelper.Set (“ReactiveJammerReactToMitigation”, UintegerValue(true));
JammerContainer jammers = jammerHelper.Install (c.Get (4));
Ptr jammerPtr = jammers.Get (0);
Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &ns3::Jammer::StartJammer, jammerPtr);
NodeContainer c;
install jamming mitigation objects */
JammingMitigationHelper mitigationHelper;
mitigationHelper.SetJammingMitigationType (“ns3::MitigateByChannelHop”);
mitigationHelper.Set (“MitigateByChannelHopChannelHopDelay”,
TimeValue (Seconds (0.0)));
mitigationHelper.Set (“MitigateByChannelHopDetectionMethod”,
UintegerValue (MitigateByChannelHop::PDR_AND_RSS));
JammingMitigationContainer mitigators = mitigationHelper.Install (honestNodes);
Ptr mitigationPtr = mitigators.Get (0);
nodecontainer c;
WirelessModuleUtilityHelper utilityHelper;
std::vector AllInclusionList;
AllInclusionList.push_back (“ns3::UdpHeader”); // record only UdpHeader
std::vector AllExclusionList;
AllExclusionList.push_back (“ns3::olsr::PacketHeader”); // ignore all olsr headers/trailers
utilityHelper.SetInclusionList (AllInclusionList);
utilityHelper.SetExclusionList (AllExclusionList);
WirelessModuleUtilityContainer utilities = utilityHelper.InstallAll ();
Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (source->GetNode ()->GetId (),
Seconds (15.0), &GenerateTraffic,
source, packetSize, numPackets, interPacketInterval);
Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
Simulator::Run ();